Maintenance release: Godot 3.4.2

We released Godot 3.4.1 just a few days ago with a huge array of bugfixes, but a regression was then found for macOS rendering which could cause flickering.

This new Godot 3.4.2 is a hotfix release to solve this and a few other minor issues that were fixed in the meantime. Godot 3.4.2 is a recommended upgrade for all Godot 3.4 and 3.4.1 users.

For a detailed overview of the changes that 3.4.1 included and which are also part of this new release, please read the 3.4.1 release notes.

Read the release blog post for details on the changes.


Godot Engine - Linux 64-bit 95 MB
Version 3.4.2-stable Dec 22, 2021
Godot Engine - Linux 32-bit 97 MB
Version 3.4.2-stable Dec 22, 2021
Godot Engine - macOS 64-bit 92 MB
Version 3.4.2-stable Dec 22, 2021
Godot Engine - Windows 64-bit 47 MB
Version 3.4.2-stable Dec 22, 2021
Godot Engine - Windows 32-bit 48 MB
Version 3.4.2-stable Dec 22, 2021

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